Friday, June 1, 2007

Freedom from the backpack

Today we had lots of progress. I got a "relaxation" massage which was really nice. It was only about 10 minutes, but well worth it. I'm going to be doing a lot more of those in the future. Also, got rid of the stupid backpack and now I feel like a free woman! I got a shot of neulasta which should help my white blood cells spring back to life. After that, we (me, Jeff and my mom) went to Sudie's for dinner and celebrated one week down.

I'm feeling pretty good today. Not icky like previous days, just rundown. Hopefully, the worst is over and I will feel better and better every day until the next round.

In case you are wondering, I still have my hair. I have been checking every day and so far no clumps yet! Wahoo! Maybe it will hang on for another week or two. I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Yay!! Round 1 is over and no more backpack! I'm glad to hear you are feeling well. Love how Jeff said you were "hanging tough" in an earlier all you need to do is think of is NKOTB's Hanging Tough song fo Round 2! :)

I leave for Russia on Wednesday...maybe we all could go see a movie or something before I go...let me know. Pirates is supposed to be good...