Wednesday, January 30, 2008

And the results are in...

And the news wasn't what we were hoping for. They found a 2mm spot on my lower left lung. My doctor is not certain if it is tumor or inflammation or nothing. She wants to wait 8 weeks and then do another scan to see if it's 1. disappeared 2. grown bigger 3. stayed the same. If it's one Hooray! If it's two, we will reevaluate and decide then the course of action. It it's 3, we'll just continue to watch it and get a new scan in three months. So the ideal situation would be for it to go away and we won't have to worry about it again. But it is concerning since it wasn't there in November. So it's just a wait and see situation, which I hate. I was planning on going back to work next week, but now I'm not sure that's a great idea. I'd hate to go back to work for two months and then have to stop again for surgery or chemo and lose my disability money. So Jeff and I have some talking to do to decide what is better for me. I am feeling so much better and was getting myself psyched up to go back to work. I miss all my friends and the babies and the money! I'm up for any one's "two cents" if y'all want to let me know what you think I should do. (Shameless plug to get comments!) Anyway, that's about all I have for now.


Melissa said...

Okay, I am not a swearer, but this quote is just too perfect and it's Shakespeare, so it's allowed, right? :)

"Out, damn'd spot! out, I say!"

compliments of Lady Macbeth, and while out of context, I heartily echo the sentiments. I'll be praying that it will disappear entirely, and if that isn't to be the case, that He will provide you the strength to tackle whatever lies ahead.

Greg said...

I just caught up with about 2 weeks of your blogs. So impressive. You really keep quite a wonderful archive!

Yes, that is frustrating about the spot. I pray for you every morning at about 6:00 a.m. (right when I wake up) that God would heal you now and keep you healthy for the rest of your life. I also pray that God will remove that horrible "wait and watch" feeling that looms over the day.

Dee Ann said...

This, in a word, sucks. However, if you want to keep disability, you can come and play with my baby any time you want and I will pay you in shrimp po' boys or Mexican food. That way, you won't be violating any disability laws!