Lauri finished day 1 of the 5th round of her chemotherapy today. She is feeling fine, but she isn't very thrilled about her "baggage." As you may remember, Lauri is now being given her Adriamycin over a 72 hour continuous infusion. They put her Adriamycin, along with her Mesna, in her backpack, along with pumps for both medicines. It adds a little weight to the bag, but she carries it just fine, even though she will say otherwise...
At our appointment with our Oncologist last week we arranged to have Lauri's blood work done at the new MD Anderson wing at Christus St. John's Hospital in Clear Lake (right next to NASA = close to home). Our Oncologist knows the two doctors stationed at the new wing, and she called to arrange an appointment for us next week. Hopefully, we can begin getting Lauri's blood work done at the new wing immediately after the appointment. It will be a lot closer for us, and a greatly reduced impact on the car and our schedule.
Also, for the record, I found out today that I have a blood type of A+. I told Lauri that she should be proud that I have the best blood around! You can't get anything better than an A+, right?!? Needless to say, she was not impressed. Geez...
Lauri, your fanny will NEVER look big--even with a sack of potatoes attached to it! :-) A fellow A+, yea Jeff! You need to work on Tom to give blood...
Hey Lauri,
I am glad to here you are feeling better. I have a question, Can we donate blood in Lafayette and tag it to be sent to you? I think Glenn has your blood type and if you need again he could donate for you.
luv ya!!
Jeff, I also have valedictorian blood. I guess that's why we're so smart. :-)
Thanks for blogging your story so that old/new friends can catch up!
-Mark Pape
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