Weight 18.4 pounds (25%)
Height 27.5 inches (20%)
So he's still short and skinny! Oh well, at least he's staying on the same growth curve. It will be hard to fatten him up since he's mobile now. He's crawling all over the place and pulling up on everything. He has 3 teeth (two on the bottom and one on the top). I'm attempting to teach him sign language and I think he has started doing the sign for "milk". The problem is, he doesn't really do it when it's appropriate so I'm not sure he's gotten the concept just yet. I'm going to keep working at it and introduce more signs when he's gotten the hang of it better. He's babbling up a storm and can say baa, mama, lala and occasionally dada. He doesn't know what he's saying, so it's kinda hard to get excited when he says mama, since he's not associating it with me. But that comes with time. Anyway, he's doing great and I can't wait to see what he's going to do next!
I don't know how it's possible but he just keeps getting cuter!
I agree with Alicia! LOVE that middle picture! Can't wait to see you guys on Sunday!
He got awful furry in the last one, LOL! Still a cutie!
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