Tuesday, December 1, 2009

2 months old

Charlie is 2 months old today! I can't believe it. This time has just flown by. We had his two month checkup today, which included his shots. :( He did really well, and so far, no ill side effects. He now weighs 11 pounds 12 ounces (50%) and is 22.5 inches long (25%). So he is growing great! We have been thinking that he has reflux and that is getting slightly worse. We talked to the pedi about it and she wants us to do an upper GI to see if and how bad the reflux is. It's an outpatient procedure and I'm waiting on a phone call to let me know when that will happen. Should be sometime this week. If he does have reflux, he will be on some medicine to help it. So we'll see.

In other developments, Charlie has started to smile more and we've gotten some great pictures. Here are a few:

Isn't he cute!

1 comment:

ACQ said...

He's adorable! I'm glad he's healthy and happy!