Friday, April 12, 2013

Teddy tries to give me a heart attack

Yesterday, I got a call from the boys school saying that Teddy was running a fever and not feeling well, so I needed to come pick him up.  They told me his temperature was 100.4.  I got him home and checked his temperature with our thermometer and it said 98.8.  Ok, not bad. He was pretty lethargic so I sat down with him and got him some juice and I put on sesame street for him to watch.  I decided to put him down for a nap around noon because he was laying down on the chair.  I put him in his crib and normally I would have just walked out since he falls asleep on his own, but since he was sick I decided to stay until he fell asleep.  It had only been a minute or two since I laid him down and he started whimpering, then fell silent and started seizing.  Full blown tonic clonic seizure.  I knew exactly what was happening but kept saying, NO, NO, NO, this is not happening! Stop! Stop! I picked him up out of his crib, hoping that would snap him out of it (it didn't of course) and placed him on the floor.  I needed help so I had to run out of the room to get the phone to call 911.  He stopped convulsing while I was on the phone with them and they sent an ambulance to the house.  The whole thing lasted from 2-4 minutes, but seemed like an eternity.  After the convulsing stopped, he just laid there not moving and seemed to me not really breathing much.  Still did not respond to his name or anything.  I kept trying to stimulate him to get some reaction from him. His lips turned blue until eventually I could tell he came out of it. The ambulance arrived about 5-10 minutes after I called.  The paramedics took his vital signs and we got into the ambulance to head to the hospital.  I had called Jeff after talking to 911 and before the paramedics arrived so he met me at the hospital.  Teddy was still pretty quiet but responsive.  His temperature in the ambulance was around 101, so they gave him a pretty good dose of Tylenol.  They checked his blood sugar and it was 137 (I think). His heart rate was pretty high, but that is completely normal after an episode like this.  We finally arrived at the hospital (the driver took the scenic route out of our neighborhood) and Jeff met us at the door.  We got to the room and got settled in with all the normal admission things (blood work, saline lock, vitals) and some motrin to help bring the fever down.  At one point in the ER his temp was 103 rectally, but that's the highest it got (that we know of).  Teddy finally got to take a little nap and Jeff left to pick up Charlie from school and switch cars at home.  They took a chest xray as well but that and every thing else they checked came back negative.  Jeff and Charlie arrived around 2:30 or so and we were home around 3. Teddy was feeling a lot better as we left the ER because he was motor boating and smiling again.  So diagnosis was febrile seizure caused by rapidly increasing temperature due to a virus.  He had no other symptoms except a slight runny nose and a little irritability that morning.  And now that he has had one febrile seizure, he's prone to having them again.  Yay.  We just need to be more cautious and vigilant when he has a fever from now on.  This was an extremely scary thing for me even though I am a nurse.  Your perspective totally changes when it's your child that's sick.  I feel I kept as calm as I could have and didn't panic so that's a good thing.  I'm hoping we don't have to go through this again.  But for those of you that aren't familiar with what to do if your child has a seizure, you basically have to leave them alone until it stops.  Make sure they are safe and remove anything around them that could potentially hurt them (clear the area), the floor is a good place to be.  If they vomit or are salivating, turn them on their side, but never put anything in their mouth, including your hands! Those are the main points.  Then call either 911 or the doctor.  And I learned something.  I thought a febrile seizure happened when you had a high fever, but this is not true.  It occurs when you have a rapidly increasing fever.  Doesn't necessarily matter how high it gets.  Good info to know! He did have a slight fever last night and again this morning, but I could tell he felt a lot better than yesterday.  We'll keep a close eye on him, though.  ;)

And as a follow up from last post, I was told the boys took their pictures last week, so I'm hopeful they are decent.  I'll post them here if they turn out good...

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